Critical reflection

How do your products represent social groups or issues.docx

How do your products represent social groups or issues?

The film places a high representation in the sexual orientation category. The main character portrays a gay man who is in a romantic relationship with another man. Throughout the film there is many scenes which show the affection that the couple would portray. as sexual orientation can be something tat places you in the minority it is important to have representation of that group. In our film the couple has a date at the mall. They go through would seem to be a normal day as they enjoy a day shopping at the mall. This portrayal of the characters shy's away from having to  overly push the idea of heteronormative ideas. the couple while still together doesn't fit the mold for what would be an on screen gay couple. They are both somewhat masculine and this could go against the stereotypical conventions of a gay couple on screen. the couple maintains a regular loving relationship that is evident in their affection for each other. Our film takes pride in the portrayal of them as in a relationship. Though we make it clear that the two are in a relationship we don't go overboard to try and make it overbearing. Though it is important to show representation it is also important to not lose focus of the main theme of the film and to keep it on topic. The representation is throughout as a side plot to the main events of the film. As the actor i found it difficult to portray as it isn't of my own sexuality but it made it all the more fulfilling. The film took it’s time in showing the representation as i was trying to make it seem as normal to my life as possible. The showing of different sexual orientations is important to representation and it was able to be shown in our film.

How do the elements of your products create a sense of branding?

The elements of our products are the different marketing tools we created to show off our film. In doing so we crated the website, postcard and other methods of marketing which place our film at the center. all of the products show the brand of the film being that of a crash. The crash as our main form of branding places the main aspect of our film in the spotlight. This helps us stir up buzz around the film and create the atmosphere we would like to have. The crash is a film demonstrating the effects of a car crash o a teen. It also incorporates everyday life as a means to divert the watchers from the main aspect of the film. While we do this we also foreshadow the upcoming events of the film. With the addition of the marketing tools we can place the main climactic event as the epicenter of the films brand. Our brand revolves around the films climax and places many advertisements to forward the agenda of said brand. This allows us to gain influence with the impending audience and allows the to understand the reason behind the film. The film is used to create offsets like the postcard which represent the climax to a t. the pictures and other mediums presented from the film create the necessary attention that the film should get. It gives us the opportunity to market towards crowds as the film revolving around the crash. With all of that said the elements let us diversify ourselves from other brands as the film is unique in premise and execution. All of the elements combine to garner the attention and respect of the future audience members. 

How do your products engage with the audience? 

Th film is placed in south Florida in the everyday life of a Florida teen. throughout our film it is representative of the normal life of one of the audience members we are reaching for in our target audience. The film is made in a way that doesn't place emphasis n anything that would be unrealistic to the real life of people in the real world. While some of the aspects of the film are somewhat unrealistic we place the bulk of the film in realism and real life situations. The revolving theme is the normalcy of the life portrayed in the film and just how one event can change that life. Regardless of the normalcy of the day spur of the moment events can effect the lives of anyone in a big way. Making sure to enjoy the aspects of small things in life is important to the constant joy of everyday life. finding joy in the mundane allows oneself to have a high since of happiness. Our target audience being the everyday person allows us to broaden our range of contact as it doesn't fit only one lens. The film doesn't emphasize the differences which could be present. For example the openly gay sexuality of the main character that some people could not be in relation to. Though being gay is a part of the main characters life i is not the epicenter just something that he was and a part of his life. He has unique characteristics but is able to be related to as he just a normal person who was tying to go about a normal day when tragedy strikes. The film and our other products place an emphasis on the mundane and the everyday lives of people not on the unique characteristics of each person nut on the similarities that are held in the lives of everyone. Our products make sure to also be available on multiple platforms which extends the reach of our film and allows us to make sure we reach a variety of people. A divers set of audience members grants us the ability to get the vast majority of people.


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