Editing and viewing

 The filming for our commercial went well. We encountered some minor problems like timing issues, weather, and curfews but all in all it went well. The issues we saw could have been avoided so next time well think more ahead to keep these from happening. After our filming done by our member Sean he sent the raw filming to our other member Brianna who was to be our editor. The acting was done by our members randy and I. Once sent to Brianna she was to condense the raw material into the final product. She also added background music as the wind that day was loud and could be heard in the background. Next she made sure that the sound of the coke opening was crisp. This was done because in our research we found that many coke commercials and soda commercials in general have the crisp sound of the can opening added. This makes the drink seem refreshing and is a staple. last she added a fade-in to the coke logo as it was being drank. This finished off the last part of our commercial and made it more seeming of an actual promotional commercial. Brianna executed on all of these points and made sure that it looked good. After the commercial was done we all viewed it and gave our thoughts. There were some things to be improved for every part of it. The filming went well but sort of lacked context. The lighting was bad as the weather made it dark and gloomy and the editing could have been cut together more precisely. This just showed us that we had room to grow. This commercial is the first of many projects. We look forward to making new filming products and improving on each one.


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