We are done

 We are finally finished. Despite the problems our group has had with scheduling issues and lack of communication we are able to complete our film. Over time we had many set backs. After all of this we came together as a group and made sure it was finished. We all gave a good effort to complete the project. All three of us had our designated jabs and completed them. I was the main actor and helped with the creation of the story. Sam was the director and made the website and some of the social media. Lola was the camera person and created the postcard to represent our film after its completion. Together we worked pretty optimally on each of our respective roles an made a worthwhile film. This has been a bumpy road with many setbacks but an experience worth a lot. We learned to communicate with one another on our needs and boundaries. This gave us a sense of comradery as we completed the filming aspect of the project. The teamwork we displayed was immense in the finishing of the project to the very end. It played a key role in our ability to complete the assignment and made for a better experience over all. though this journey was tough I was delighted to be apart of it. The gratification that was felt after the completion was truly otherworldly. This was a once in a life time experience. The people I was able to collaborate with were great. I am happy to have this experience again. 


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