Continuing editing

 Finally having all of our filming done we are on to edit. First we looked at the material we had. While looking at this we compared it to the storyboard we had done before. Some of he scenes we had to change because of lighting or weather issues. So during this phase we make sure that we had enough material to complete the film. During our shooting we made sure to shoot extra in case we had less than needed. Any gaps in the film would be filled with this extra material. This allows us to stick to the original film script. Also any reshoots we have to do will be limited as we have extra material. Most of the shots came out to our liking. Though some couldn't be perfectly done as we are in school. This limits our access to greater gear. With a lack of equipment some of the shots had to be done in ways that would represent the actual film material without the actions being performed. This includes the main crash at the beginning of the film. After this though the bulk of the shots entail little information that is excluded from the film. When going into the editing process this meant we had more work. The effects would have to represent the actions in the shots. This meant the sounds and other parts would have to match the film. During the editing we had to add sound to bring out the most of the filmed shots. This is turning out well as we edit.


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