Finally filming

 After the trouble we’ve had in planning out our filming we finally are able to. Yesterday we agreed to film today. We were able to get many shots done. This includes the main shot of the car crash and some other shots. To do this we had to make the shot look as if we actually crashed the car. To try and show this we will be doing cutaway scenes and sound effects to account for the lack of actual crash. Obviously we will have to add the sound in during editing. This will be done after we have completed all of the filming for the film. As of now we have most of the shots done. This was a successful day of filming. We first went to shoot the crash. We filmed the crash scene. Then we went to get food somewhere as a break. We enjoyed our food there. Then we went back to Lola’s. After we got to Lola’s we looked at the footage. While looking at the footage some of the sound quality was bad. This led us to wanting to reshoot some shots. Then we looked over the film again. This time we were able to get good shots.


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