Comparing La Jetee, the short, and 12 monkeys, the full-length movie

 After watching the video, La Jetee (1962) vs 12 Monkeys (1995), I am able to compare this short film and full length movie. This video details not only the difference in plot and story told by each film, but also the intent and execution which has a large effect on audience. I learned about how even though La Jetee was only audio and still photos the unique story inspired many people and works since it was created in 1962 and is very comparable to 12 monkeys and has stood the test of time. The immense ability to story tell and evoke emotions in the audience qualifies it for many as a short film or, un photo-roman and not a simple slideshow of pictures. Chris Marker was able to tell an incredible story about memory and the passage of time in a short 28 minutes, while 12 monkeys tells a similar story with a full length movie, this however does not mean that 12 monkeys is a better film. I learned from this video about how the film was able to expand on plot and include mystery and thriller into this sci-fi forbidden romance storyline created by Marker. This is one of the privileges of having more time to explore a story. There is also more graphics and technology used by director Terry Gilliam in 12 monkeys due to his expertise and ability with more advanced technology in 1995. While watching this video I was able to learn about effective storytelling through different mediums, one much shorter and simpler, and one longer and more complex plot-wise and graphically. I also noticed though, that both mediums held the same impact and and achieved the desired effect. I will use this knowledge when creating the story and filming my short film by understanding that with limited time the plot must be relatively simple to be effective, with not too many loose ends to tie up and with one central focus. This video and La Jetee have helped me see that an impactful story can be told in a short amount of time and my group and I will be able to create a good, creative, impactful short film. I envision this knowledge helping most in the writing and planning process. 

I also read the article, A Comparison of 12 Monkeys and La Jetee. This article more separately spoke about the specific niches of each rendition of this story. Commenting on the genius choice of style by Marker in using still monochrome images even in a time where motion-picture was becoming increasingly popular. It demonstrates, as writer Haley Goetz states, "the true versatility of cinema" as he is able to give life to these images with brilliant storytelling. Goetz also goes details about Marker's focus on the importance of memory, as that was a common focus in Marker's work. This is similar to 12 monkeys in the sense that the story is told with large influence by the creator. Director Terry Gilliam brought much of his own touch to the story inspired by La Jetee in the way he was able to move between genres and create unique feelings in viewers. This is similar to Gillian's other works like Brazil, Goetz points out. After reading this article I have a better understanding of the creator/ directors influence on a story. This will help me and my group be specific and add our own touch to our short film by being open to creativity. We have the freedom as writers, directors, and cinematographers to use the mis-en-scene we desire and overall framing of our choice, despite genre conventions. 

This research and comparison of La Jetee, the short, and 12 monkeys, the full-length movie will help my group and I create an impactful unique short film. 


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