Our Pitch


  1. A coma patient comes to in a seemingly different life than he left, or does he? 

  1. A little car accident, at most a minor inconvenience right? 


Our first idea was pitch 1, we felt like it had a twist on cliché coma plots. This would be a coma patient who wakes up from his coma and realizes his life is falling apart (his girlfriend left him, his dog died, etc.) and then realizing he never woke up at all. To do this idea we would need access to some kind of medical equipment to create a hospital scene. It would also require a large cast to play the parts of people in this person’s life. A more extensive plot might be challenging to come up with, for example connecting the ideas on how the person in the coma’s life is falling apart. It would allow us to get creative with editing and foreshadowing which is intriguing, but ultimately the cons of this idea outweigh the pros.  

The second idea my group and I had was pitch number 2 which is about a boy who gets in a car crash which he believes to be a minor one and moves on to live the rest of the day as if everything was okay. At the end the boy wakes up in hospital bed and finds his car crash was worse than he thought. We wanted to do this because of the unexpected plot twist at the end of the film and that it would also allow us to get creative with different types of editing and a variety of angles. The film idea is less climatic for the most part so viewers may not stay interested enough to stay to see the plot twist. The use of some medical equipment would also be required at the end of the film to recreate a realistic hospital environment as well as some sort of car crash scene at the beginning of the film. Both of these scenes are hard to recreate but, this could also allow for us to make a more unique short film in the end making it more interesting/appealing to a larger variety of viewers 


We decided on our second pitch, overall it seems less challenging and a more interesting plot. We hope you enjoy it! 


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