Finally filming

 After all of the issues we've had to deal with we were finally able to film. We had made plans to film the weekend after not having a chance to during the week. We planned to have one of our other classmates help fill in the role of the main character as Brianna was still unable to film. The only problem was no one ended up being available. We had to scratch the idea of them helping and ended up with me as the main character. The switch in gears has been a backup plan for us and we are glad it worked out in the end. On Sunday at 12:00 PM Sean came to pick me up from my house and we headed back to his place to film. The setting of our project was his house and neighborhood which helped as we had access to it at any time. Once there Sean took out his camera and we got to filming. As our film is set in a world void of people besides the main character we had to make sure no one else could be seen. This meant having his parents move about to not be in the way. the graciously complied and were very helpful in the process. During the filming things went pretty smoothly as the shots were going well except for one scene in particular. The scene was showing the main character wash his face in the mirror. The issue was finding a way to film in the bathroom which made it look like the view of the mirror. We ended up having Sean sitting on the sink with the camera to imitate the view from the mirror. This ended up looking very similar to what we were trying for so it worked out. Other then that the filming was successful and Brianna will be editing the clips together. The filming is complete for now and we are ready for the net step. We just have to put it together.


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