Getting ready to film

 During the process of our project we have come to find out that Brianna will not be able to film the entire spring break. This is a big hiccup in our plans as she is set to be the main actor. This means we have to switch gears and fast. Spring break is here and time is running thin. With Brianna unable to film the entire week it is up to Sean and I to figure out what we will do. Sean and I are thinking of solutions to the problem and only one makes sense at the stage we are at right now. We have to change the script. With Brianna out we either have to change the actor who plays the lead role or change the script to fit what actors we have available. So we'll likely have to change the script to make me the main character of the film. Some of the shots Sean will be able to get by himself so its up to us to find time to film together during the week. The time is crunching down. Time for us to figure out our next move. Sean and I need to communicate. The communication is key to our project. If we cant time will be our undoing. The race is on and we are starting behind. We also have to make sure our schedules match up during spring break. I have to see Sean's work schedule and my vacation schedule to figure out a good time. We should be able to figure it out. Sean and I will figure it out.


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