What the groups looking like

 This time around some changes to the group have been made. The changes made have been by the choice if a single member. Randy who was a member of our group previously will not be returning to complete the final project with the group. He has decided to join a different group and that is fine. Brianna, Sean, and I will continue to do the final project by ourselves. The group dynamic has little changed. Randy had been helpful in our previous projects but the group will manage without him. Sean and Brianna still are both going to be editing and directing as am I. I will be acting and continuing in the lead role for the last project. Before this the second project had brought up some unneeded tension between group members. During the filming of our music video a lack of adequate planning lead to the group having to speedily find a solution to the issues at hand. After having to change roles and changing the original script of the video tension built up as a result. This tension was toxic to the foundation of the group and needed to be squalled. The tension between the group lead Randy to leave. Since then amends have been made and the tension created was expunged. The time for our group to make use of its potential and complete our final task is upon us. We will make sure to properly plan for the upcoming project. The time for toxicity between the group is over and our final project will show just that. The culmination of the individual skills brought together in one place. We are hopeful and our team work will be in working order for our final task.


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