
 Location: In the past the location of our filming has been an issue for our members. This time we decided to make the location something that was easy to do for all of us. It made the most sense to us that the location would be one of the group members homes and neighborhood. The project we intend to do is set in a house and neighborhood so that the location was not something we had to worry about. As of now the location of filming will be at the home of one of our group members Sean. His house and neighborhood provide us with adequate space for filming and bypass all of the hassle. the last places we used had entry fees and were far away which gave the group more opportunities for setbacks. As it is one of our members houses the availability is up to use which makes for a much more relaxing time. Our new planned location will allow us to relieve the project of the major setbacks we had faced in the prior projects.

Participants: The participants for filming will be the three of our group members Sean, Brianna, and Jack. Keeping the number of participants to our group allows for better communication regarding the filming and bypasses any hassle of dealing with a large number of participants. As the movie we planned to have two main characters the number of our group will be sufficient in actors and filming. Brianna and Jack are set to play the characters with Brianna having the lead role. Jack will act as the supporting role and help with editing. Sean is set to film the project and the three of us will edit with each other.

Health: All of the members of our group are in good condition as of now. In the future if there is anything to arise it will be dealt with accordingly. Each of our members will be able to keep up the necessary work ethic and provide each other with assistance when it is needed.


As of now the main components of our pitch have been completed and finalized.

2/28/2023- The script of our scenes has been made and posted

2/28/2023- The way in which the titles will be shown has been decided

3/5/2023- The final draft of our storyboard will be completed

3/6/2023- start the filming completing necessary shots for scenes

3/9/2023- Film more of the scenes

3/13/2023- Complete filming of the scenes

3/16/2023- Start editing the film that has been taken

3/23/2023- Finish editing including title displays

3/26/2023- review film and make re-edits/re-film

3/30/2023-finalize film


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