Genre research: Where the crawdads sing

What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie?

 The element of this movie that we want to include in the final task is the mis-en-scene and the editing.  The movie uses acting to portray real-life struggles people go through as well as the flashbacks in time create a sense of living it all over again. The film takes place in a wild area and eventually urbanized and the diegetic sound present is a niche touch to the film. The acting was also a key feature as she went from being alone in the marsh to being put on trial in the deep of a city. Life flashes before her eyes and her backstory is told. The background shown gives it a sorrow tone. The filming technique makes it cut back between 2 different times and its great. It focuses on showing her growth and tugs at the heart strings. In the eyes of the audience she is growing up in front of them. Some people in the audience can most likely relate to her and the troubles she has been through.

What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? 
They use props and acting as a means to represent each character and how they grow the main characters in the movie are represented by their clothes and the way they act Peter acts with the other characters and forms different dynamics with each of them. In the movie, we can see that every time that her life flashes back we see what she has gone through in life. The flashback editing and digetic sound had to be my favorite part as it shows how she is growing up and the setting changes. The movie is full of tranquil sounds.

What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you? 
In the movie acting is shown to portray the characters and their relationships as they show the relationships to be realistic that's not always what I prefer. And showing relationships in a realistic manner the awkward moments in characters and dialogue show through. Many times in the movie realistic situations happen that aren't to my liking. She flashes back to a guy she emotionally connects with but has been so shut off from the world does not know how to feel. It made the movie feel more like a romance and took away from the main topic. The coming-of-age point was the main point of her coming into a new age but the love aspect casts a shadow over it.


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