A different Napoleon

1. What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?

In total there were 21 different title cards in the title sequence. The first 3 were the production companies involved, Fox, Paramount and MTV. The next few were all of the main actors in the movie. Following them was the most important production crew members including the production composer, editor, and designer. Lastly, the executive producer ended with the directors' title card.

2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 

The images prioritized are common school day items like a lunch meal and a book from the library paper for taking notes in class. And even a school lunch is used to introduce people and the staff. It also covers a typical meal for some with breakfast, a snack, and a lunch meal all being included in the opening credits. The images show typical school day items to set a tone and even a set of the movie.

3. What connotations do the images carry?

The aesthetics of the title card give a very early 2000s feeling which is when the movie takes place. These include light colors that contrast with the background and stand out. And its simplicity is overall the biggest foreshadowing for the movie which quite literally is a simple high school movie.

4. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?

The way the names were shown in this title sequence was by integrating them onto props that the main character would hold. Many of the props used in the title sequence are thing you would find at a school. Those include a school lunch, a notebook, a pencil, and an eraser. All of these show clearly that it's a coming-of-age movie because it takes place in high school in the years of adolescence 

5. What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?

The movie, Napoleon Dynamite, was marketed as a simple high school movie. So by keeping a simple aesthetic, you ensure the audience that they are here to see the movie they thought they were. Adding on to that by having the names of the people involved integrated into these common school props, the audience is even further ensured that this is the movie that was marketed to them. And by including many school items back in 2004 it was appealing to teens at the time.

6.  How has technology been used effectively?

Technology back then was much different, yet the technology was still greatly used. A Cameras zoom and focus were mainly used to enhance the names being presented. The editing was simple yet sleek as for being almost 20 years old the movie is still loved. The tone was set by the mis en scene as everything together flowed and sounded perfect. The editing gave it an authentic feel and a seamless movie adored by many.


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