New plans

 After Not being able to film and having to delay our filming. We have finally been able to make new plans. Brianna's father has recovered from Covid-19 and we are no longer wary of it. Also, all of us are able to make it this weekend. Many delays of our plans have occurred with other fairs closing and all but we have a plan set. This Sunday we will be filming at Santa's enchanted forest. We could not film today as Brianna had to attend a debate tournament. The time set in place is 5:00 P.M for us to meet there. We are to film for a few hours and then go home. I am to catch a ride with Sean and his family. Brianna will get driven by her parents and randy will drive himself. Before setting our plans we were to by the tickets. Some problems occurred during this process. As I don't have a credit or debit card to use for an online purchase I gave Sean cash for an online ticket. Randy then bought himself an online ticket. Brianna on the other hand did not have the money at the moment and asked Sean to pay for the ticket now and she would pay him back. Sean reluctantly agreed to this and bought all 3 tickets. The plan should work out so that we film before the sunsets. I'm hopeful to see what happens.


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