Final Steps

 After all the disasters that have happened leading up to our filming. And with the constant rescheduling due to Brianna. We have finally been able to film. There were many hiccups along the way but, the process has been fun. The project is finally starting to come together. I'm really excited to see the finished product. When filming due to Randy's absence, I became one of the main actors. Randy was now tasked with the bulk of the editing to make up for his lack of contribution in filming. Randy has started to work on the bulk of the editing while Sean helped with smaller parts. Brianna and I worked as advisers to the editing and helped make it look seamless. One problem with the video is the actual story lining up. During the editing we realized some shots don't make sense in the video. We ended up taking some shots out. Though some were left in to make sure the time requirement. Ultimately though the video is starting to connect together. All we have left to do is some minor edits. Along with the filters that need to be added. The editing process usually isn't as the time consuming portion of the project so I'm sure we'll make our deadline. I have learned a lot through this entire process. I will be putting this new knowledge to use. 


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