Filming day

 Today we filmed for our music video. The experience was that of unexpected circumstances. First I was picked up by Sean and his mom. During the car ride we spoke about what we were to film. We talked about the timeline of the filming and the rolls we held. Sean was to film while I was a side character in the video. Brianna and Randy were to be the main characters in the film. I was ready to be acting as a support role and help direct from behind the cameras. When we arrived Sean and I were about 30 minutes early. We asked if the others were close by and Brianna was close. Brianna then got there and we waited in line together. Sometime later we were already in and Randy finally responded. His car had broken down on the highway and wasn't going to be making it. This meant that I had to take over his role as one of the main characters. After this we just started to film. Most things went smoothly but some things had to be adjusted as the script was meant for three actors. Some scenes were scrapped as the props necessary were with Randy.  We ended up Not doing the walk in from a car as the car was with randy on the highway. As the sun set we had gotten most of our shots. The filming had been completed.


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