CCR blog

 1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?  

Higher, wealthier organizations typically use more equipment and have a larger budget for their filming projects. Only a phone, a tripod, and a free editing app were available to us. We were able to refute the idea that producing high-quality work necessitates spending a lot of money and using expensive equipment. This illustrates the social problem that high costs are necessary to get high-quality results. By merely using what we had at home for our music video, we defied expectations. Instead than going out and buying equipment like cameras and props, We simply made purchases to enter the fair, eat, and participate in the games. We produced our video as a group using the limited equipment. While larger production companies are given larger budgets. Us as students relied on limited outside help and made due with what we had to make our music video. The main social group shown in our video is couples. Many couples go out on dates to carnivals and we illustrate just that. The themes shown demonstrate the intimate aspects of relationships and couple dynamics.

2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?

Due to the popularity of the music we utilized, viewers of our video are interested. It was regarded as one of the most popular songs at one point in 2020 on the TikTok app, which has a user base of over 1 million people. Additionally, it managed to receive Platinum certification in 4 nations. Viewers are encouraged to watch our video as a result. The plot also has a relevant theme. The video's narrative revolved around a first-date pair who were clumsily getting to know one another. This is a universal feeling since it is the norm for the vast majority of people everywhere. Through the relationships shown our marketing would be geared toward couples. The video makes an appeal to the audience as they may have had shared experiences that were shown. Our video would be available through YouTube or other video streaming services that would make it possible to reach our intended audience.

3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?  

My involvement in this project was modified. I was unable to participate in the shooting for the previous commercial we produced. So I did the most of the editing. To create the advertisement a high-quality piece of work, I worked behind the scenes cutting and adding features. I had to act, though, in this music video. I haven't performed on stage in almost 3 years. I had to figure out what kind of attitude and feelings to convey. Being in front of or behind the camera is totally different. The video was directed in part by me. This was intriguing since I used my authority to get the video that I desired. Before the work on this video I had lacked necessary confidence in my ability in knowledge. During filming I was able to come out of my shell and really be able to contribute to the making of this project. Through this project I have learned where my true capabilities lie and will be better able to make use of them in the future.

4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project? 

  In my project, I used a wide range of software, hardware, and web resources. Overall, I was able to observe how technology improved our music video during this process. Which improved the video's quality more than I had anticipated. During filming the different scenes seemed as it they had no direction. Through the use of online software I was finally able to see the vision for this project in reality. Much time was spent making sure the video was seamless and incorporated all the necessary components. The technology used made sure that the video was up to par with what we had imagined for myself. In the future looking back on the resources used will be helpful in continuing to create. This video was able to show us the true capabilities of the software we use. Next time I hope to be able to make use of these capabilities at maximum capacity.

I used the following Hardware equipment: 

  • Tripod 
  • IPhone 
  • 256 GB Card 
  • Computer 
  • Headphones 
  • Ipad 

For software I used the following: 

  • Capcut: Main editing 
  • Photos: Coloring 
  • YouTube: Music 
  • Garageband: Mixing the music 

I used the following websites for research purposes: 

  • Google 
  • YouTube 
  • Online Articles 
  • Spotify 
  • SoundCloud 
  • Gmail 


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