under the sunset

 We made plans to meet on Saturday at 6:00 P.M. When the day came we were set to meet. One of our group was at the beach since the morning and told us that the weather had been questionable. The wind was picking up as the day went on so we didn't know if we were going to continue with our plans. As the time neared the wind had died down some but was still there. Two of us decided to get there early and set up the props before our other teammates showed up. Once 6 came around our entire group was there and we were ready to film. Our commercial was comprised of some scenes that had volleyball in it. As the wind picked up it made it increasingly difficult to hit the ball accurately. We ended up having to do many takes as the ball was hit wrong or out of bounds. Another problem we had was with our timing. We planned to film close to sunset as it would create a good background for our finishing shot. Do to doing many takes we were behind and had to film scenes out of order to make sure we had the last shot ready. Also one of our members had to leave. His parents wanted him home so he had to leave early. This was a small hiccup in our filming because he was the main actor in our commercial. Because of this we had to make film all the shots that had him directly in it before he left. This ended up ok as we made use of POV shots that didn't require him there to film. The filming went well as for the actual scenes. Next we just needed to edit it together.


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