Research blog: Commercial conventions

  To research the Coca Cola commercials we began by doing the most logical thing; watching previous commercials. So we searched up the videos we could find of the more recent Coke commercials. In doing so we could see the commonalities and ideas we want to recreate. 

1. "Open that Coca-Cola"

This first commercial is filled with lots of vibrant colors, music, and creative dance numbers. The part that caught our eye was the scene where the female subject does the wave with her eyebrows. The camera then goes under the table to her feet and she begins dancing. Overall it was a light hearted  and fun which I admire. 

2. "Turn up the Rhythm"

Within the first scenes the camera shows a wide angle of a Coca Cola factory. The scenes show the making of a Coca Cola bottles being made. It then changes into two female subjects drinking the Coca Cola with the pop sound and slight sigh of enjoyment. They then break into an immersive dance number. In the commercial we make we want to mimic the pop sound with the drinking scene. 

3. "#BestSummerCoke"

The commercial starts off with a jeep cruising through a rainforest mountain terrain. It's swerving the small roads. Eventually the car stops and zooms into the couple. They get out of the car and look at the Coke bottles in their trunk. The couple runs out of the car onto a cliff into the ocean. They jump off the cliff into the ocean and swims to a small restaurant made of straw and picks up a Coke to drink. Overall, I love the beach idea. As a group we want to recreate the mood portrayed in the video. 


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