Creative Critical Reflection

1. How does your project use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?

Our project made use of common conventions found in other coke commercials. A main convention that we made use of was the pop of a soda can that adds to the felling of refreshing and thirst quenching allure of an ice cold Coke. The project didn't directly represent any clear social issue but those involved are apart of Hispanic heritage and represent that culture. I myself being half Honduran.

2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?

Our product is meant to show the allure of a fresh coke regardless of where you are. It engages with audiences in a nostalgic manner, promoting the feeling of finding a fresh Coke. The main allure of our commercial is to represent its refreshing nature. Because of this we would be more keen on representing this during Sports events or broadcasting. The commercial may persuade sports fans to crave the drink.

3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

At the start of this project my film knowledge was severely lacking. During this project the intricacies of film making and the effort placed in creation were revealed to me. I started to learn about acting, filming, directing, lighting, and setting. This project broadened my horizons win it comes to the behind the camera work that goes into film creation. There are still many things for me to work on, but this project helped me to realize what those things are.

4. How did you integrate technologies- software, hardware and online- in this project?

For the filming of our video we used a camera balance stabilizer to make the shots as still as possible while making them the way we wanted. We used it to prop up an iPhone that was used to film. the phones quality is pretty good and made for clear shots. After filming we imported the different scenes into a free editing software(CapCut) and cut the shots together with music and sound. 


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