commercial storyboard

  First scene-

During this scene, we will be filming our arrival at the beach walking out with our supplies. The shot will be a wide shot showing the volleyball court and Jack and Randy carrying a cooler of drinks and a volleyball approaching it. We want a shot to set the scene involving the props and actors.

Second scene- 

In this scene Jack serves the ball to randy starting the game. The shot will be a Dutch shot angling from where jack is in the frame and serves to give people a perspective. This initiates the game at an angle like the ball is served. When we think of coke what comes to mind is a refreshing soda.

Third scene-

The third scene will be Randy hitting it back to Jack and it return jack hits it out of bounds. This shot will be a zoomed out two-shot shwoing the full court and both actors. This captures the game and the main game part of the commercial.

Fourth scene-

The fourth scenee will be the ball rolling into the cooler of cokes and Randy going to get it. This shot will be a point of view shot of what randy see's. This puts the viewer in Randy's position to see what he stumbles uppon.

Fifth scene-

The fifth scene will be Randy opening the cooler and grabbing a coke. This shot will be a high angle showing Randy bending down to open it and grab the drink. We want the viewer to open the case with him finding the product.

Sixth scene-

The Sixth and final scene will be Randy drinking the coke infront of the water to suffice his thirst. This shot will be a medium shot showing his waist and up drinking it infront of the water around sunset. Then the logo for Coca-Cola will fade it as you hear Randy say Ahh in respomse to the refreshing drink.

Each scene will be about 4-5 seconds with the sound of a beach in the back


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