
 Hi I am Jack lynch I am an AS Media Studies student. I was raised in south Florida and spent my entire life within the united states. I have been around the country a few times but have yet to cross the border to another country. For me the use of media is a way to grasp things that cant be experienced in real life. I use media as a way to be somewhere I've never been or a time in which I wasn't born into.  Its a way to connect with the things I normally wouldn't be able to. Its the Spanish movies I watch with my great grandma or the comedy I watch with my parents. It is a means for connection. Normally I wouldn't be able to connect with some of my family members do to the language barrier but through movies I get to feel what they are feeling even if there were no words exchanged. The emotion created from such experiences is universal and I wouldn't be able to have such a deep connection otherwise. Another important aspect of media that I find myself drawn to is sports. Watching the competitive nature of the best in their sports is always exciting. Whether it be the aggressive and action packed American football to the more slow paced skillful sport that is golf, I enjoy it all. Each sport has an appeal and watching the best in each is incredible. The use of media as a whole is incredible. There are so many things to be seen and enjoyed. The genres range so variously and the mediums as well. I had never thought about it before starting Media studies but the effort placed in media is tremendous. Every color, sound, pixel of each scene is carefully constructed and edited to fit the emotion and mood they are trying to convey. Media is an artform and I respect those who are brave enough to capture it.


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