Group blog: First take

This is the first time anyone in our group has done a project like this. Some of the aspects may be new to us but we hope to complete it with no major dilemmas. One of our group members Sean has some prior experience with video editing and the rest of our group is ready to learn what needs to be done. Sean will be our main editor as his experience makes him more valuable in that aspect. Editing will be a large part of this project as we only have so much as for resources. For the rest of us we will be actors as well as writers and or planners. Brianna one of our other members is a part of debate and has to write scripts for competition. She has wrote many speeches and performed them as well. Her prior experience in writing and performing makes her and asset to the group who will be helpful with writing and acting. As for the rest of our group it is randy and I. I will probably be acting as I have little to no experience with editing or writing and am not afraid to be on camera. I ...